[张贴报告]Soil factors key to 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) Efficacy: EC and SOC dominate over biotic influences

Soil factors key to 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) Efficacy: EC and SOC dominate over biotic influences
编号:114 稿件编号:55 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2024-08-09 19:26:54 浏览:326次 张贴报告

报告开始:2024年08月17日 08:09 (Asia/Shanghai)


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Nitrification inhibitors like 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) are crucial in agriculture to reduce nitrogen losses. However, the efficacy of DMPP varies in different soils. This microcosm incubation study with six soils was conducted to elucidate how soil abiotic factors (physicochemical properties) and biotic factors (nitrogen-cycling microbial abundance and diversity) influence the performance of DMPP. The DMPP efficacy was evaluated through the ammonium-N retention rate (NH4+_RA), inhibition rate of net nitrification rate (NNR_IR) and reduction rate of N2O emissions (N2O_ERR). The results showed that DMPP had significantly different effects on mineral nitrogen conversion and N2O emissions from different soils. NH4+_RA, NNR_IR and N2O_ERR ranged from -71.15% to 65.37%, 18.77% to 70.23% and 7.93% to 82.51%, respectively. Correlation analyses and random forest revealed abiotic factors, particularly soil EC and SOC, as the primary determinants of DMPP efficiency, compared to the microbial diversity. This study sheds new light on the complex interactions between DMPP efficacy and soil environments. The identification of soil EC and SOC as the dominant factors influencing DMPP efficacy provides valuable insights for optimizing its application strategies in agricultural systems. Future research could explore the mechanisms underlying these interactions and develop tailored DMPP formulations that are responsive to specific soil conditions.
在读博士 中国农业大学

关体坤 中国农业大学
刘蕊 中国农业大学
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